Thanks for reaching out!
I'll be intouch with you as soon as possible to talk about your fitness goals!
I believe that practicing a healthy lifestyle on a daily basis is one the best ways to endure and overcome challenges that we face during our lives. As such, I intend to continue training and educating anyone interested in pursuing a better version of themself.
With that in mind, respecting others space and appropriate/necessary sanitization and hygiene is, and should be, a regular part of our effort to reach our better version.
What Body Forge is Doing
First and foremost is our efforts in sanitization of equipment. While my common practice would be disinfecting all shared equipment daily, I’ve begun to do so between every session, using the most natural and human-friendly products available.
Also, in an effort to support the “social distancing” concept, all classes/small group training will be held outdoors, weather permitting, until further notice.
What We are asking of you
Please be respectful and considerate of others and their personal space. Where applicable, bring your own gear (ruck pack, jump rope, steel mace, etc) to minimize exchange and potential exposure via equipment. Lastly, we ask that if you aren’t feeling well or believe you’ve been exposed, please stay home while you recover, for everyone’s sake.
Thanks, and never stop improving!
I'll be intouch with you as soon as possible to talk about your fitness goals!