The term “Group Conditioning” is, as the name implies, an exercise routine in which multiple participants workout simultaneously. Here at The Forge, we call it Forge Fit Functional Conditioning, or “F3 Conditioning” for short. There are many benefits to the Group Conditioning format:
Motivation and Inspiration
There is no doubt about it. Having and making friends with similar objectives to share your fitness journey with, can be hugely rewarding and make for a more productive experience than just “going it alone”.
Being on a set schedule, and having limited spots in each session, our Group Conditioning classes ask that you sign up. If it’s scheduled and on your calendar, you are less likely to skip it. Also, training with friends adds an additional level of commitment and supports a consistent exercise routine, which is a large part of getting results.
Group Conditioning is an organized routine, designed to be as efficient and effective as possible and formatted to fit neatly into your already busy day. Most classes are an hour or less and guide you through the session without spending valuable time figuring out what to do or how to do it.
Cost Effective
The icing on the cake (or salad, if you are counting carbs!) Group Conditioning classes offer the added bonus of sharing the cost between all its members. Who doesn’t want to save a few bucks?
These are just a few of the benefits, but we think the most important benefit is training together is FUN!