Strongman Strength Training 

The Tradition

Throughout the history of man, strength was a trait desired, admired and respected.  Testing the limits of physical prowess is engrained somewhere deep within the human design.  From Sunday night football to the Olympics, street performers and the circus, extraordinary feats of size and strength capture our attention and inspire awe and wonder.  Men like Thomas Topham, who could lift 3 barrels of water weighing nearly 1,400 pounds, and “The Iron-Master”, Arthur Saxon, who could press 370 pounds over his head with one hand, provoke our imagination and provide a colorful backdrop in the history of Strongmen.  With events such as The World’s Strongest Man and Associations like North American Strongman Corporation, the legacy of the Strongman continues to be written to this day.  Are you ready to write your chapter?


Massive Tires, immense stones, logs, chains, sandbags, dumbbells, kegs and even cars...yes, entire cars!  These are the stock-in-trade of Strongman training.

The Goal

It’s quite simple, really. Learn to lift large, heavy, awkward objects in a safe, controlled and guided environment to determine, challenge and exceed what you assume to be the strongest possible you!  The atmosphere is fun and supportive, surrounded by like-minded lifters sharing the desire to be strongmen, and women, just like you.